Using Metaform

1. Get metaform in Python 3.6+.

pip install metaform

2. Let's say we have some data, and its generic structure.

import metaform

data = metaform.requests.get('').json()


Produces template:

{'count': {'*': ''},
 'results': [{'url': {'*': ''},
   'page_url': {'*': ''},
   'metaculus_prediction': [{'*': ''}],
   '*': ''}],
 '*': ''}

3. Use the template as a guide to define what part you want to normalize.

schema = {
    'results': [
        {'prediction_timeseries': [{'t': {'*': 'time|lambda x: int(x)'}}]}

4. APply the schema to get normalized data.

metaform.normalize(data, schema) # optional: slugify=True -- slugifies keys

results matching ""

    No results matching ""